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M.S. -市场营销 & 沟通

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Master’s in 市场营销 vs MBA: 5 Big Questions Answered

市场营销 and advertising are central to revenue growth and expansion for companies of all shapes and sizes. That’s why it’s one of the largest investments many companies make.  According to Statista, the global advertising industry is expected to...

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硕士 in 市场营销 Salary: What Pay Can You Expect?

Business is no longer business as usual. Technology has literally transformed everything–including the marketing function.Now, marketing is even more personalized, more targeted and more interconnected. Businesses, agencies, government entities and...

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Is a 市场营销 硕士 程序 Worth it? 它适合我吗?

“Begin with the end in mind.” That’s Habit #2 of 一步hen Covey’s renowned book, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People. It’s also highly sound advice for those who are deciding whether or not to pursue a master’s degree in marketing and...

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