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尽管所有的不朽的世界, business and technological changes of the past several decades, 有一件事没有改变:


当涉及到人际关系时, 这是, is and will continue to be the domain and responsibility of human resource professionals.

Although once relegated to an administrative function focused on mere hiring and firing, 此后,人力资源(HR)职业得到了发展. 现在, 人力资源专业人士可以承担更深层次的责任, more significant role and take their rightful place at the leadership table.

In fact, today’s advanced human resources profession is all about strategic HR leadership.

从劳动关系的复杂性, 福利计划, 跨文化差异, 全球化的工作环境, anyone working in the human resources field needs to be well prepared, 受过教育和培训.

所以如果你喜欢和别人一起工作, 如果你喜欢参与改善事物, and if you want to ensure that the best 人 are in the right jobs to help them and the organization succeed, 然后通过对人力资源的研究 人力资源管理理学硕士 可能是适合你的学位吗.

A human resources management degree should focus on courses and learning objectives that specifically relate to helping you acquire knowledge and grow in of these key drivers so you can become a strategic partner who helps advance your organization’s mission:

  • 补偿 & 好处
  • 员工关系
  • 领导 & 管理
  • 组织变革
  • 招聘 & 候选人的选择
  • 培训 & 发展

Going back to school to get your master’s is a big investment of time and money. 所以在你决定之前, consider these five reasons why earning your Master of Science in Human Resource 管理 (MSHRM)可能适合你:

  1. 提高你招聘和留住高素质员工的能力.

最好的公司不会偶然成为最好的公司. 这需要努力. 这需要专注. 它需要人们. 更重要的是, it takes having the right 人 with the right abilities in the right jobs, 与他人有效合作,推进公司目标.

所以不管你上的是校内课程还是 在线课程 在一个 像mg不朽情缘试玩这样的认可大学, your MSHRM should provide you with key strategies for learning how to:

  • 确定公司需要哪些技能
  • 寻找并找到具备必要技能的人
  • 招募顶尖人才
  • 留住高绩效员工
  1. 提高收入潜力,促进职业发展.

An MSHRM degree can equip you with advanced skills that are valuable to a variety of industries and organizations. In fact, the demand for HRM professionals is good – and growing.

美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that employment of human resources managers will grow 13 percent through the year 2022.

和一个s new companies form and organizations expand their operations, many more than that will need human resources professionals to implement, 管理, 监督和发展他们的项目.

除了, wages for individuals with a 硕士学位 in human resource management are very competitive, with the median average wage coming in at nearly six figures for 2015. 顶尖人才挣得更多, 收入超过173美元,(根据美国劳工统计局的数据).

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Occupational titles for master’s in HR management grads include:

  • 总学习主任
  • 补偿 & 收益经理
  • 薪酬、福利 & 职业分析专家
  • 人力资源实践负责人
  • 人力资源经理或总监
  • 劳资关系总监
  • 劳动关系顾问或经理
  • 学习 & 发展总监
  • 组织发展总监或顾问
  • 项目管理员或评估员
  • 培训 & 开发经理或协调人
  • 人力资源副总裁

希望走得更远? Then consider a degree program that also helps you prepare for additional certifications, 例如PHR®, 专业人力资源和SPHR®, 人力资源高级专业人员.

  1. 影响组织的战略决策.

在一个竞争非常激烈的商业环境中(就像大多数情况一样), 今天), 组织必须创新, 发展壮大,建立和保持势头. That means that the human resources management function is essential to the business of business.

从多元化和包容性管理, 对资方和劳工, 影响人类行为的因素, professionals in human resource management fill critical roles at the highest levels.

An executive and professional education can help you help your organization examine short- and long-term goals to ensure proper planning, 包括确定, 为关键岗位招聘和培训顶尖人才.

Plus, you’ll be better prepared to advise on such key issues as:

  • 补偿 & 好处
  • 员工 & 劳动关系
  • 人力资源发展
  • 战略管理
  • 劳动力计划 & 就业
  1. Create and implement innovative solutions that enhance employee motivation, 留存率和生产率.

Great companies are purposefully populated with employees and managers who are engaged and driven to succeed.

从管理流程和专业技能, 管理策略和组织发展, 人力资本管理和政策, the human resource management professional plays an important role in keeping a hand on the pulse of the company and ensuring a vibrant, 激励员工.

和一个 硕士学位 能帮助你更好地发展吗, 执行并持续改进全球人才战略, 人力资源系统和程序.

  1. 改善雇主最宝贵资产的福利人. 

员工s should be free to focus on providing the best possible goods, products and services. 人力资源管理专业人士, 因此, 应该专注于支持员工的工作吗.


通过提供有效的福利, 这类健康和牙科保险, 休假时间, 病假和安全的工作环境. 除了, human resources professionals are charged with making sure the workplace is well managed, and that all employees are given the personal and legal respect and care they deserve.

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