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Many people think of IT professionals as the people who troubleshoot computer issues—but this career path is so much more than that. 信息技术提供了多种高薪职业道路, 提供职业稳定, 并提供大量的晋升机会.

 “今天的一切都在某种基于计算机的系统上运行, 无论是基于云计算还是移动软件,托德·惠特克说, Department Chair of Computer and Information Sciences and 程序 Chair of 信息技术 at mg不朽情缘游戏网址, “IT是一个非常稳定的职业, 信息技术硕士学位是一个非常灵活的学位. 因为IT本质上是多面手, we’ve built our coursework to embrace breadth while allowing students to create a focus area for skill specialization in the industry of their choice.” 

但是你如何利用IT领域的所有机会呢? 你需要获得更高的学位才能获得成功吗? mg不朽情缘游戏网址来这里是为了搞垮就业市场, IT硕士学位的好处, 以及哪些类型的专业人士将从这一飞跃中受益. 


在接下来的九年里, computer and information technology jobs are expected to grow by 12 percent and add 546,新增200个工作岗位.

A 信息技术硕士学位 can be a pivotal step to career advancement, 尤其是如果你的专业经验有限的话, want to change careers or even if you’ve been in the industry for a while and want to get to the next level. 


A 信息技术硕士学位 can be a pivotal step to career advancement, 尤其是如果你的专业经验有限的话, want to change careers or even if you’ve been in the industry for a while and want to get to the next level. 


Getting your master’s degree is an investment, so you want to know if it will pay off. 以下是攻读信息技术硕士学位值得的7个原因:

  1. 提升你的知识 在网络安全等关键领域的IT最佳实践, 云管理和web开发和部署.
  2. 提高你的领导和管理能力 以最大限度地利用您的IT团队,并在项目上更有效地工作.
  3. 培养更深层次的跨职能协作技能 to improve communication across departments and implement technology more effectively across your organization.
  4. 区分自己 from other candidates with an IT skill set tailored to your specific industry.
  5. 把你的战略思维能力提升到一个新的水平 by gaining experience in systems thinking, business ethics and organizational strategy.
  6. 获得终身证书 这显示了你在这个领域的专业知识和奉献精神, 同时也拓展了你的职业关系网.
  7. 增加你的就业前景 在管理和执行层面,以及期望的薪资.

不像学士学位, 为了教授基础技能,哪一门课是有意宽泛而深入的, a master’s degree is a specialized degree that elevates both hard tech and interpersonal skills. 


选择硕士项目最重要的是什么? 比较特点、好处和成本,找到适合你的学校.



大量的信息技术职业正等待着硕士学位的候选人. 这些是目前最受欢迎的工作.


IT project managers are responsible for planning and overseeing IT initiatives—from upgrading systems to employee evaluations. These professionals ensure projects are completed according to project goals and requirements, 而且在计划和预算之内. 

为什么是硕士学位?IT project managers need to be technically sophisticated and have great interpersonal skills as they serve as team leaders. They also need to be adept problem solvers when projects don’t go according to plan. 这些都是在完成IT硕士课程后获得的技能. 


信息安全管理人员负责创建, 执行和维护安全策略和程序. 他们还审核系统以发现风险和操作需求. Their goal is to stay up-to-date on the latest security protocols and ensure their infrastructure, 系统和数据受到保护.

为什么是硕士学位? Companies rely on information security managers to protect their most important data, 所以他们需要有高级证书的专业人士, 最新技能, 批判性思维和解决问题的能力.


IT directors provide strategic leadership to their departments—working with their team to research, 测试和部署新技术和软件. 他们还要管理预算, outside vendors and work with executive leadership to reach their company’s goals.

为什么是硕士学位? Many companies require director-level employees to have an advanced degree because strategic thinking, 管理和财务责任对这个角色至关重要.


首席信息官负责所有的大项目, systematic decisions for a company when it comes to technology used by the company. They work at the enterprise level to manage competing needs like maintaining and upgrading information systems with the cost of infrastructure and employee salaries. 

为什么是硕士学位? Executive-level positions nearly always require a combination of advanced education and experience. CIOs must work across disciplines to provide technical expertise and strategic direction, 信息技术硕士学位的目标是什么.


CTOs are responsible for the technology products and services a company provides, 而不是内部的基础设施和系统. Their role is crucial to the competitiveness and profitability of a company’s offering. 

为什么是硕士学位? 首席技术官必须站在技术的最前沿. 他们的角色可以大量参与研究和开发, 是硕士教育不可或缺的技能. The financial responsibilities and implications of this role also lead companies to hire professionals with advanced degrees.

值得吗?? 选择归结为职业方向 

决定获得硕士学位是一个非常个人的选择. You have to determine if you are willing to dedicate the time, energy and money to get your degree. If you’re one of the professionals who identifies with these career aspirations, 信息技术硕士学位可能适合你.

  • 你想改行,进入IT行业. 也许你有技术背景,也许没有. 如果你已经有学士学位, getting another one may not be in your best interest when it comes to time commitment and cost. A master’s degree takes half the time to complete and can elevate you past the entry-level as you change careers. 只是要知道你攻读硕士课程可能需要的先决条件.
  • 你想在IT部门的执行层工作. 进入高管层是许多人的梦想,但竞争非常激烈. Because of the strategic nature of these roles and their direct impact on profitability, 大多数高管至少拥有硕士学位. 
  • 你想进入IT行业,但我没有太多经验. 在当今的就业市场上,即使是IT行业的入门级职业也是竞争激烈的. While you may be able to secure one of these positions with a bachelor’s degree, 升入高级, managerial and executive positions can be greatly expedited by getting your master’s degree in IT.
  • You want to increase job prospects and salary expectations in a competitive job market. 也许你想在更大的公司工作, 更突出的公司还是想要谈判加薪. 所有这些都是扩展你的技能的好理由, 具有网络和领导能力,硕士学位. 


You are convinced a master’s degree in information technology will take your career to the next level. 现在,是时候找一个学位项目了. 对于大多数专业人士来说, 从工作中抽出时间是不可行的, 因此,他们寻找最好的在线课程来获得硕士学位. 

mg不朽情缘游戏网址mg不朽情缘游戏网址专攻灵活, 面向在职成年人的在线教育. mg不朽情缘游戏网址的 信息技术硕士学位 学位是为了提高你的技术技能而设计的, strategic abilities and give you the ability to focus your curriculum to the industry where you want to make an impact. 探索mg不朽情缘游戏网址的计划,了解更多mg不朽情缘试玩的行业相关课程, 有经验的教师, 支持在线学习环境.

Discover 10 of the most in-demand master's degrees based on salary and job growth.