
会计界提供了许多不同的职业机会. 而一般会计师和注册会计师往往得到最多的关注, 另一个有前途的职业是内部审计. Many aspiring accounting professionals may not know about the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) designation and the career opportunities it affords.

根据 罗伯特哈夫国际, 世界上第一家也是最大的会计和金融人力资源公司, internal audit is one of the most in-demand finance and accounting positions in today's market. 随着组织努力改善内部控制和透明度, 内部审计师在实现这些目标方面发挥着至关重要的作用.

本文将分析注册内部审计员(CIA)的角色。, cia的职业前景, and how to become a CIA in order to help you make an informed decision about your career.


The role of the internal auditor is to be an independent and objective party who oversees the financial operations of a business. 内部审计员代表他们所审计的组织工作, 尽管他们并不总是全职员工. 许多内部审计师为上市公司工作, in highly regulated industries or consulting firms that provide internal audit services.

Certified Internal Auditors (CIAs) are a subset of internal auditors who have been certified for their expertise, 在内部审计领域的经验和道德地位. 这些专业人员的职责通常分为三类:

  • 评估风险 and the procedures implemented by a company to ensure the integrity of financial and accounting information.
  • 理解和应用规则 to ensure a company and its employees are complying with all applicable federal and state laws.
  • 提出建议 to help a company remedy a failed audit or correct problematic issues that arose during the audit.

但作为一名内部审计师实际上需要做些什么呢? 让mg不朽情缘游戏网址深入了解内部审计师的思想和使命. 

  • 他们调查 在堆积如山的信息中搜索——财务报表, 费用报告, 库存数据, 预算——以及对员工进行面试,找出不一致之处, 错误或问题. 
  • 他们细心的, 密切关注工作安排, 实物库存和员工职责的编目. 
  • 他们是勤奋, rooting to the bottom of issues to stop potentially harmful errors or falsehoods. 
  • 他们是决定性的, taking in massive amounts of information to make clear recommendations that will help boost productivity.

准备好进入会计行业了? 在mg不朽情缘游戏网址的免费会计职业指南中获得每个职业阶段的见解.



内部审计师有很强的盈利潜力, 尤其是当他们在会计行业中步步高升的时候. Let’s break down earnings potential for internal auditors based on role and experience.

根据 内部审计师协会(IIA),美国注册内部审计师.S. 比没有认证的人平均每年多挣38,000美元. That means certified internal auditors are likely to earn on the higher end of the wage spectrum for internal auditing roles.


  • 获得更高的学位. 根据EMSI, in 2021, 19%的内部审计职位要求应聘者拥有硕士学位. 硕士级别的职位通常有更高的收入潜力.
  • 在需求高的行业找一份工作. 根据罗伯特·哈夫, 对风险和合规的担忧正在推动许多公司的招聘, 尤其是在银行业等高度监管的行业, 保险, 医疗保健和金融服务.
  • 掌握抢手的技能. 确保你知道雇主需要的内部审计技能. 根据EMSI, 内部审计人员的一些顶级技能是内部控制, 萨班斯-奥克斯利法案(SOX)的遵从性和风险分析. 
  • 了解自己的价值. 确保你了解你所寻求的职位的典型薪资范围, 以及你的特殊技能, 你的经验和证书应该在这个范围内.


注册内部审计师的指定是由 内部审计师协会(IIA). This international professional organization is recognized as the internal audit profession's global voice, 公认的权威, 公认的领袖, 首席倡导者和首席教育家. IIA在全球拥有超过21万名会员. 

注册内部审计师是该领域的首要认证. CIA认证是全球唯一公认的内部审计认证. Becoming a Certified Internal Auditor is the ideal way to showcase the expertise required to effectively perform the professional responsibilities for an internal audit, 世界上任何地方.

To become a Certified Internal Auditor, you must meet the Four E’s of Eligibility, which include:

  • 教育: IIA过去要求所有准注册会计师拥有学士学位或更高学位. 现在, 更多的教育背景被接受, 包括高中文凭和副学士学位, 如果至少有五年的内部审计经验或同等经验.
  • 道德: 国际审计师协会要求其审计师遵守最高的道德和诚信标准. 候选人必须同意遵守IIA的道德准则, as well as submit a character reference that testifies to their high moral and professional character.
  • 检查: The most demanding part of becoming a Certified Internal Auditor is passing the CIA exam. 由三部分组成的考试很难——2020年的通过率只有41%. It’s recommended candidates study anywhere from 40 to 60+ hours for each section of the exam depending on their content familiarity. 
  • 经验: 应聘者需要的经验根据教育水平而有所不同. 如果候选人有硕士学位, 只需要一年的内部审计经验或同等经验. 有学士学位,需要两年的工作经验. For an associate degree or equivalent, five years of professional experience is necessary.

​​The Certified Internal Auditor eligibility period is three years from the date you received approval of your CIA program application. 你有三年的时间来完成所有的CIA认证要求, 包括通过中情局考试. 有关资格的更多细节,请访问 花絮”的网站


The length of time it takes to become a Certified Internal Auditor varies from person to person. 完成CIA认证项目的最长时间是三年, however this does not account for the years of preparation it takes to become a Certified Internal Auditor.

平均, it takes six to seven years to meet the combination of education and experience requirements to become a Certified Internal Auditor. It’s possible to overlap your three-year eligibility period and pass the CIA exam before completing your experience requirement. However, you must complete your professional experience requirement within the three year period. 
If you choose to take the exam after meeting the education and experience requirements, 这可能需要长达10年的时间.


如果你刚开始工作, you may wonder if the time and energy you need to devote to becoming a Certified Internal Auditor is worth it. Based on quantitative factors outlined in this article—such as job demand and salary expectations—Certified Internal Auditor can be a prosperous career path. 但这是一份让人感到职业满足的工作吗?


  1. 审核员工作的意义, 这不仅保护了他们工作的公司, 还有更大的资本市场和投资者.
  2. 人与数据的结合 在内向型和外向型任务之间提供良好的平衡.
  3. 不断学习新事物的能力, such as new technologies that influence how financial information is collected and maintained, 并运用这些知识来解决新的挑战.
  4. 以解决谜题为生的满足感在日常工作中运用逻辑和演绎推理.
  5. 新审计师的增长和可能性, especially in an increasingly digital world, that can help accelerate their career growth.


A bachelor’s degree in accounting is typically the first step to a career as an internal auditor. A bachelor’s degree program will teach you Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, 以及证据收集等基本技能, 内部控制审核和标准审计程序.

mg不朽情缘游戏网址招收新学生 100%在线B.S. 在会计 program that is accredited by the International Accreditation Council for Business Education for adhering to industry best-practice standards. Franklin’s flexible degrees allow you to focus on auditing through electives in fraud examination, 欺诈调查的采访技巧, 公司内部控制评估, 会计道德等等.

Franklin’s bachelor’s degree in accounting can help you take the first step toward becoming a Certified Internal Auditor. 如果你已经有学士学位, a master's degree in accounting can help you meet the education requirement to become a Certified Internal Auditor, 同时降低经验要求. mg不朽情缘游戏网址’s master’s in accounting program can help you take your auditing, 数据分析和风险管理技能更上一层楼, 帮你准备中情局的考试.

了解更多关于mg不朽情缘试玩的信息 M.S. 在会计 看看它如何帮助你实现你的目标.

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